Volunteer Spotlight: Rachel

Volunteer Spotlight: Rachel

Rachel started at Heartland in the Fall of 2018, and she’s since been an incredibly consistent and reliable member of the Thursday AM shift. We’re so grateful for Rachel’s  reliability, her mad mucking skills, and her willingness to take on miscellaneous tasks such as filling waters and cleaning up the straw and hay room. We also appreciate Rachel’s calm energy, her special relationship with our cows, Beau and Daisy, who passed away last year, and her commitment to lovin’ on Fonsi donkey after he lost his brother, Chachi.

Why Heartland? I’ve always been involved with animals in one way or another —with family pets, volunteering at the humane society and working with cows. In 2018, I went back to school at UW-Madison for dairy science and became interested in animal welfare. Many farm sanctuaries across the country started popping up on Facebook so on a whim, I Googled to see if there were any local farm animal rescues. Luckily I found Heartland and before I knew it, I was driving to the sanctuary for my first day.

What do you love most about volunteering at HFS? Heartland is my weekly reset. I enjoy coming every week to leave the rest of the stressful world behind and just be in a loving spot with all the animals and their different personalities. While there will always be loss at a sanctuary, Heartland has taught me to slow down and cherish the moments we do have together. I love watching the animals grow, trying new things, exploring their world and letting their goofy sides show.

 Who is your favorite sanctuary resident? Like many volunteers say, it’s hard to pick a favorite. Animals I’ve connected with most across the years include goats Waylon, Sunflower and Billy; Maxwell big pig, and as previously mentioned, Daisy and Beau cows. An animal I have happily grown to love is Harriet mini pig and her bedhead. While all the animals put a smile on my face, Fonsi donkey really touches my heart. I love seeing him be courageous after losing his brother, how excited he gets when I put on his pasture gear to go outside, and how he picks up his pace when he sees me with a bag of carrots.

What do you enjoy doing outside of Heartland? My life outside Heartland is surrounded
by my three Siberian Huskies who I love spending time with. My family is quite close and we love going on outings, such as Cave of the Mounds and Wisconsin Dells. My other hobbies include crafts, gardening, watching crime mysteries, trying new recipes and hiking.

Volunteer Spotlight: Sarah Johnson

Volunteer Spotlight: Sarah

Sarah started at Heartland in November 2019. She has been a consistent and reliable member of the Sunday morning crew doing barn chores and animal care. And because that crew is so efficient, they get rewarded by doing some of the ‘less fun’ (but equally important) housekeeping chores like cleaning, organizing, restocking and more. Everything our dedicated volunteers like Sarah do is in service of the HFS residents, making sure their living spaces are clean, safe and organized.

Why Heartland? My dad was a veterinarian, and he shared his passion of caring for people
through their animals. I am a social worker, not a vet, but volunteering at Heartland is a
little bit of both.

What do you love the most about volunteering? Walking in and being among these incredible creatures. It takes you out of your world and life for a minute (or a three-hour shift) and changes your perspective. Each animal has such a distinct personality, story and journey of how they came to us. (Sarah also appreciates the vegan resources we share each week via email.)

Favorite Heartland Animal? That isn’t a fair question — they are all so unique in their own way. From the newest adorable Breakfast Club, cuddly Murphy and Truffle, amazing-sounding emus, sibs Justice and Libby…but as a lifelong swimmer, I have always been drawn to the ducks. I always take a minute to watch them jump into the pool for the first time in the morning, as they dunk their heads and splash in the water.

When pushed a little, Sarah acknowledged Hank as her favorite. While I love everyone there to my core, Hank has a special place in my heart. When I found out about his story and how he was neglected and abandoned twice, I made him a promise that I was going to be his friend. It took some time for him to fully trust me. I knew that we reached the point of mutual trust when I sat down with him outside in the pasture and he leaned up against me and laid down.

Outside of Heartland: I love cycling, walking my dogs, cooking, traveling, hiking, yoga and swimming.

Volunteer Spotlight: Paul

Volunteer Spotlight: Paul

Paul started at Heartland in the fall of 2022. For a decade prior, he was (and still is) a valued monthly HFS Stable Supporter. As a reliable member of the Saturday morning shift, Paul focuses on the care and mucking of the goats and emus, but is always willing to pitch in where needed.

Why Heartland? For me, the best thing about volunteering at HFS is of course working with the residents. I also love the welcoming environment and how the sanctuary strives to make compassion a part of our community.

Favorite Heartland Resident? As everyone that knows me can attest, goat Hank is my ‘favorite’ resident. While I love everyone there to my core, Hank has a special place in my heart. When I found out about his story and how he was neglected and abandoned twice, I made him a promise that I was going to be his friend and see that he is never let down by humans ever again. Hank and I had a good relationship from the beginning but it did take some time for him to fully trust me. I knew that we reached the point of mutual trust one Saturday morning when I sat down with him outside in the pasture and he leaned up against me and laid down.

Outside of Heartland: Outside of my volunteer time at HFS, I enjoy hiking, spending time with my two dogs — Jack the chihuahua mix and Tula, a very energetic Boston Terrier — and Piper, a rescue from an abandoned barn cat litter. I’m also an aviation geek and one of the highlights of the year for me is to spend a few days each July at the EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wis.

I am also the Wisconsin State Director for the national animal advocacy organization, Animal Wellness Action, and am a board member for Off the Table Farm Sanctuary in Westfield, Wis. For my primary employment, I have been an emergency services dispatcher for the last 26 years.

Volunteer Spotlight: Amelia

Volunteer Spotlight: Amelia

Amelia is celebrating her one-year anniversary volunteering with HFS, and we’re so happy to feature her this month! Thank you, Amelia, for your reliability and willingness to always go the extra mile for Heartland!

Why Heartland? Amelia wanted to volunteer because she loves animals and wanted a way to give back. She works with humans in a very stressful job and says, “It can be frustrating sometimes so I love spending time with animals. Honestly, volunteering at Heartland has been better than I ever imagined and so good for my mental health.”

Amelia started out as a floater volunteer given her changing work schedule, which was really helpful in shoring up short shifts from week to week. She has since joined the weekly Monday PM shift where she is enjoying learning the produce role.

Favorite Part of Heartland: “Learning all of the animals personalities and spending time with them.”

Favorite Heartland Residents: “My favorite resident was Daisy the cow. I just loved her gentle nature and how huge she was. She was so sweet and she really was such an amazing animal. Currently, I would say Fonsi is my favorite although he is terrified of me. It is my goal to try to win him over! I also just adore Frankie. It’s hard to pick a favorite!

Outside of Heartland: “I love spending time with my dog and two cats, going on hikes with my husband and reading.”

Volunteer Spotlight: Win

Volunteer Spotlight: Win Nash

Win started volunteering at Heartland in 2017 and right away was tasked with the birds, and given the title of “Bird Man.” Back in Verona, he loved the challenge and fun of herding the birds to and from their various locations, depending on weather. Win also doesn’t mind mucking. He says it is one of his go-to activities. He enjoys the peacefulness of it and even wrote a song about it! 

So, why Heartland? “I continue at Heartland because it’s amazing,” Win says. 

“All these different animals, their personalities, interactions, struggles, growth and even death is life distilled to its very bones. The cycle of life and impermanence of it is all right here to see. I also like the idea that we are teaching young people about compassion, kindness and caring for others.”

Favorite Heartland Residents? “Mister and I are best buddies. I love that he is such a ruckus and so out there. At the same time, the mystery of the emus reminds me that many questions in life will always remained unanswered.”

Outside of Heartland: “I am also a volunteer with Wisconsin Prison Mindfulness Institute, sharing mindfulness practices with individuals who are incarcerated. I started this about 5 years ago at Waupun and recently started at Colombia Correctional. I am reminded there as well as at Heartland that different people, different species, doesn’t matter — we are all looking for a life free from suffering, and we can all help each other get there.

Last year, I became an adoptive caregiver when I met someone who needed to move and had to give up their chickens. They are now part of my family. So most evenings, we (Vera, Josie, Ginger, Snow White, Phillis, Donna, Rosa Klebb and Ms. Moneypenny) roam my backyard together for an hour or so before sunset when they willingly go back into the coop. Once a bird man, always a bird man.

I also like to kayak and bike around Wisconsin, and enjoy camping and the wonderful vegetarian meals my wife Dawn creates. We have been vegetarians for 33 years. My other big love is music. As I get older, I enjoy more jazz, but I still get excited with good old rock and roll.”

THANK YOU, Win, for your dedication to Heartland and living a life of compassion and community building. Your aura of gentleness and peacefulness not only soothes the animals, but humans, too!

Volunteer Spotlight: Ross

Volunteer Spotlight: Ross Kovarik

Ross started volunteering in August 2022. He came to Heartland via his wonderful partner, Julia, who started volunteering a year before him. Through her tales of animal friendship and rewarding manual work, Ross says he became sanctuary-curious. And once we found out he would be willing to learn how to drive the tractor, we seized on his interest. Ross laughs, “Before the word ‘tractor’ was fully processed by my brain, I shouted ‘Yes.’” And so was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 

Ross has become Heartland’s manure pile aficionado – from managing the size and shape to spreading it out in the pastures. While it may not be glamourous, it is very important work. He also performs a variety of other groundskeeping tasks from mowing and snow removal to hauling and restocking straw/hay, organizing our storage building, and being willing to tackle other miscellaneous projects around the property.

When asked what he loves most about volunteering, Ross says, “Heartland provides a relaxing and rewarding balance to my regular job, which involves sitting in front of a computer all week. It’s fun to play in the dirt. Being around the animals and people at the sanctuary for a few hours each week makes me happy and gives me a great sense of accomplishment.”

When asked who his favorite animal is, he said he and Betty White made a pact. He is to declare his love for her and she wouldn’t give him a “love bite.” (ha, ha). Ross recounts, “Betty White and I were talking and stargazing a few nights ago out in the pasture, and she said to me, ‘You know, no one has ever picked me as their favorite animal in the volunteer spotlight.’ With a glint in her eye she said, ‘If you don’t do it, there may be consequences.’ But seriously, I like her a lot and enjoy watching her try to figure things out, like how to open doors. She’s so smart.”

Ross is a true outdoorsman who loves to loves to run, bike, ski and kayak. He also loves to cook. He and Julia try to travel when they can and enjoy hanging out with their pets at home, which includes a dog, cat and bird.

THANK YOU, Ross, for all you do to keep the Heartland property safe, organized and cleaned up (among much else)! Betty White wants you to know that you are greatly appreciated.

Volunteer Spotlight: Emily

Volunteer Spotlight: Emily Corner

We are pleased to feature Sunday morning Animal Care volunteer, Emily Corner, who is celebrating her six-year anniversary this month!

When asked why she wanted to volunteer at HFS, Emily says, “In some form at a very young age, I declared that pigs were my favorite animal. This led to me having one of those childhoods which from that day forward for every birthday and every possible occasion I would be gifted any and every pig-themed thing imaginable. Pigs and their farm companions have always felt like part of my identity. After moving to Madison, I jumped at the chance to interact with them firsthand and get to know them in a way I couldn’t as a kid watching Babe for the millionth time.”

Emily has been around long enough that she does a little bit of everything during her shifts – from making colorful healthy salads for the residents to doing a deep, therapeutic muck. She loves the care that everyone has for each other – both animal and human. She says, “Compassion is such a radical thing, and the ways in which it’s practiced at Heartland is empowering. The animal care staff and volunteers are so committed and show so much love and respect to the animals. And we receive so much from them in return. I particularly love witnessing the ways in which all the different animals care for one another, like Libby covering her brother Justice with blankets, and Gracie goose helping her friend Cream Puff gain confidence and learn the ropes of rescued goose life. I’m always inspired by the solidarity animals have within their communities, and I love watching the sanctuary residents flourish and immerse themselves into the community of Heartland.”

When asked the difficult “favorite animal” question, she couldn’t deny her love for Arnold the mini pig, 1000%. She says, “Arnold found Heartland just after I did, and I feel like we’ve blossomed here together. He’s a sensitive soul with big feelings and an occasional attitude, but he is all the more loved for it by his friends. When I used to do the evening shift, Arnold would always be the hardest to find at the end of the night. Either way out in the farthest reaches of the pasture, or buried in a mountain of straw in the Verona arena space. He goes about his business with the utmost confidence and independence, but is still always ready for a nice cuddle with his friend Percy at the end of the day.”

Outside of Heartland, Emily enjoys trying new vegan recipes with her fiancé, Daniel, doing house projects (after all, she is an interior designer), and going for long walks with and giving lots of snuggles to their rescue pittie, Pepper. She’s always on the hunt for cool things to fill their home (some of which may or may not be pig-themed). 

In closing Emily says, “Heartland and the people I’ve met have truly changed my life. I became a volunteer to spend time with animals, but I just happened to also meet one of my best friends who is now officiating our wedding this May. Sanctuary work is such a special cause, and has a way of bringing people together for life.”

We are so grateful that Heartland brought you to us, Emily! THANK YOU for your steadfast dedication, reliability, compassion and loving energy.

Volunteer Spotlight: Claire

Volunteer Spotlight: Claire Bergman

Claire started volunteering at HFS after she moved to Madison from the Chicago area in September 2022. She stayed helping in Verona until the last of our rescued residents made the move to Stoughton. She also was a summer camp counselor last summer.

When asked why she wanted to volunteer at Heartland, Claire says, “As a kid, I attended camps at a local zoo in my hometown that provided animal education and homes for farm animals and native wildlife, many of whom needed rehabilitation. I was enamored with the residents there and the enrichment we were able to provide. As a teen, I started volunteering at the local animal shelter near my home and eventually worked my way up to fostering neonatal and feral kittens with some dogs in the mix. I have a passion for caring for animals who have had difficult starts to their lives and need a little extra love and attention. I knew I wanted to continue volunteering in the animal realm when I moved to Madison and HFS ended up being the perfect fit!”

Claire loves volunteering to create a safe and loving environment for the residents. She says, “It is fun learning each of the residents personalities and interacting with them on a more personal level. Also, shoutout to the Monday night crew! I have enjoyed getting to know my shift team and they make volunteering even more fun.”

When asked about her favorite resident, Claire didn’t hesitate to choose Hank the goat. She says, “First off, his little smirk will melt you. I have never met a more photogenic goat! I met Hank right when he came to the Verona location. He was in such rough shape and had no reason to trust anyone. During the summer, I spent a lot of time sitting in his stall after camp to get to know him better and he learned to trust me more and more. We got to a point where he would hang out next to me and let me give him butt scritches. He has come so far! Can’t forget about the noises he makes…so ridiculous!”

Outside of Heartland, Claire enjoys spending time with family, trying new coffee shops and pastries, and reading. She also loves to get outside and explore new parts of the state.

In closing Claire says, “I am so grateful to be part of the Heartland team! I am a school social worker by trade, and I am always looking for ways to decompress from work. I often call my time at the sanctuary my ‘fuzz therapy.’ The power of the residents on boosting your mood and giving you love is priceless!”

THANK YOU, Claire, for boosting our mood by being such a committed, compassionate and caring member of the Heartland crew.