Volunteer Spotlight: Win

Volunteer Spotlight: Win Nash

Win started volunteering at Heartland in 2017 and right away was tasked with the birds, and given the title of “Bird Man.” Back in Verona, he loved the challenge and fun of herding the birds to and from their various locations, depending on weather. Win also doesn’t mind mucking. He says it is one of his go-to activities. He enjoys the peacefulness of it and even wrote a song about it! 

So, why Heartland? “I continue at Heartland because it’s amazing,” Win says. 

“All these different animals, their personalities, interactions, struggles, growth and even death is life distilled to its very bones. The cycle of life and impermanence of it is all right here to see. I also like the idea that we are teaching young people about compassion, kindness and caring for others.”

Favorite Heartland Residents? “Mister and I are best buddies. I love that he is such a ruckus and so out there. At the same time, the mystery of the emus reminds me that many questions in life will always remained unanswered.”

Outside of Heartland: “I am also a volunteer with Wisconsin Prison Mindfulness Institute, sharing mindfulness practices with individuals who are incarcerated. I started this about 5 years ago at Waupun and recently started at Colombia Correctional. I am reminded there as well as at Heartland that different people, different species, doesn’t matter — we are all looking for a life free from suffering, and we can all help each other get there.

Last year, I became an adoptive caregiver when I met someone who needed to move and had to give up their chickens. They are now part of my family. So most evenings, we (Vera, Josie, Ginger, Snow White, Phillis, Donna, Rosa Klebb and Ms. Moneypenny) roam my backyard together for an hour or so before sunset when they willingly go back into the coop. Once a bird man, always a bird man.

I also like to kayak and bike around Wisconsin, and enjoy camping and the wonderful vegetarian meals my wife Dawn creates. We have been vegetarians for 33 years. My other big love is music. As I get older, I enjoy more jazz, but I still get excited with good old rock and roll.”

THANK YOU, Win, for your dedication to Heartland and living a life of compassion and community building. Your aura of gentleness and peacefulness not only soothes the animals, but humans, too!