Heartland's Wish List

Help support the care of our rescued residents and our unique people programs with your WISH LIST gift to Heartland Farm Sanctuary. You can also check out our Amazon Wish Lists where you can purchase an item for Heartland and it will be mailed directly to us. We have an animal care wish list, and a wish list for our people programs!

Our shipping address is 424 US Hwy 51, Stoughton, WI 53589.

For donation drop off or pick up, please email: [email protected]

Animal Care

Betty's Basics - Items we use on the daily [HIGH NEED​]
  • Canned pure pumpkin (any brand)
  • Skippy brand creamy peanut butter 
  • Sliced wheat bread
  • Paper towels
  • 55-gallon heavy duty trash bags (both black and clear)
  • Disposable booties
  • Disposable latex-free gloves (size medium)
  • Guardian Horse pelleted pine bedding
  • Unscented clumping cat litter
Gift cards for animal supplies & feed:

People Programs

Barn and Grounds

Gift Cards:
Helpful items:
  • Large storage tubs with lids

Cleaning Supplies

Helpful items:
  • Dish soap (biodegradeable and safe for outside use – Doc Bronners)
  • Paper towels
  • Kleenex/tissues
  • Latex-free disposable gloves
  • 55-gallon trash bags

Office Supplies

Gift Cards:
Helpful items:
  • Chromebooks (gently used is great!)
  • Forever stamps
  • Printer paper
  • Black and color ink cartridges for HP Office Jet Pro 8710 (HIGH NEED)

Change Lives With Your Gift

Your tax-deductible donation to Heartland Farm Sanctuary allows us to care for farm animals in need and operate our unique people programs that inspire compassion for animals, the earth and each other.